

This is the page with all the statistics graphs of the set divided by type of action. There are also the overall graphics of the two teams (up)

1 – Title of the card

  • T back to the origin menu
  • TP open the contextual help page

2 – Set selection

  • T select the set for which to show statistics

3 – Rotation statistics

4 – Data update

  • T reload the page data

5 – Autoaggiornamento

This button allows you to auto-update the scout statistics and therefore the various graphs below every 20s. It is a basic already active option that you can deactivate (when auto-update is disabled, the icon will appear with a diagonal bar).

  • T to activate/deactivate data auto-update

6 – Positivity and perfection

the first percentage shown is positivity, while the one in brackets is the perfection of the relevant statistic.

7 – Statistics graphs

The graph at the top left contains the overall statistics of our team, while the one at the top right contains the overall details of the opposing team. The graphs below instead relate to each fundamental statistic of our team.

8 – Points summary

The summary of points consists of two lines, the top line relates to our team's points, while the bottom row, is relative to the opposing team's points.

The colors of the dot boxes represent:

  1. blu, point earned through action of our team
  2. giallo, point for our team due to an opponent's error
  3. bianco, point earned through an action by the opposing team
  4. rosa, opponent's point due to an error by our team