This is our profile. on this page you can view or edit our basic information, in case we were players, you can also view our player statistics.
1 – Title of the card
back to the origin menuTP
open the contextual help page
2 – Side menu
open the side menuSO
to the right, open the side menu
3 – Who I am?
to select who they are (scoutman, player, trainer, etc….)
4 – Where I live?
to select the province in which I live
5 – My player stats
This feature is only available to players.
Allows the player, to view your statistics, accumulated during the games played and recorded.
open personal statistics
6 – Pointly portal connection
open the direct link to the Pointly web portal
7 – of teams and matches that have been entered by me
unlink the user profile from Pointly